28 Jan 2025
Thus, Stage 1 on Monday, February 24th, will be the longest, covering 63 kilometers with 1,816 meters of elevation gain. It will start from the Palacio de Congresos in Granada and finish at Paseo del Salón, a spectacular area that runs along the Genil River in the city center. This change comes after a final analysis to facilitate the transfer to Jaén, allowing participants to finish earlier and with more time to spare.
The stage departs from the Palacio de Congresos and crosses the main streets of the city in a neutralized section. It will pass through one of the most beautiful areas of Granada, the Carrera del Darro, where the peloton will head to the spot for the official race start. This is a location where you can practically touch the Alhambra, with stunning views that combine scenic beauty and cycling. The Alto de las 3 Torres will be the first challenging point of the day. It’s important to be well-positioned here due to loose terrain. Afterward, the ascent to the Beas Quarry follows, possibly the toughest section of the day, requiring both technical skills and strength.
The first aid station arrives, followed by a new climb above the Quéntar reservoir. This leads to a series of trails and tracks, transitioning to faster and more favorable terrain. Once at the top, a long descent with all types of terrain awaits. The final climb, however, should be kept in mind, as it will be one that participants will remember. A relatively short ascent, but with very steep sections, it will test the riders and reward those who have managed their energy wisely. Once at the top, there’s another long descent with varied terrain to return to Granada via fun trails to complete the day.
It will be a tough day with plenty of ascents, which are concentrated in the first half of the course, with the exception of the tough and explosive final climb that everyone will remember.
Stage 2 will start from the Bola de Oro Sports Complex and is set to be simpler than Stage 1. It covers 26 km with 741 meters of elevation gain and offers no rest, making it all about explosiveness. It can be summarized as an old-school XCO race, in a single lap. The first climb is the only challenging one of the day, requiring good positioning due to narrow sections. Riders will then descend to Monachil, which will be fast and fun.
In the second half of the stage, trails take the spotlight, and attention will be on the XCO circuit in Huétor Vega. It’s well-maintained with a constant up-and-down pattern. The stage offers an explosive and technical course where differences among riders will become clear. The final descent will be spectacular, with berms in an area familiar to downhill riders. The return to Granada will be the same as the previous day’s stage, finishing at Paseo del Salón.
01 Mar 2025